Thursday, September 5, 2024

Location Scout & Risk Assessment

 This part of my blog will detail my location scout and risk assessment

Location 1: Sister’s room

Location assessment

Purpose of the shoot

To take a picture of the model (my sister) in a blank white wall background

Media language

My model will be staring straight to the camera, creating a direct mode of address with the audience which will form a connection with the audience and make them feel involved


-          Good lighting

-          No need to travel


-          Lots of items

-          Less control over lighting


Rent a studio, living room

Risk assessment

Potential hazards

Items in room

Evaluate risks

May cause injury (tripping over, bumped), may cause damage to equipment

Control measures & implementation timeframe

-          Keep room tidy, keep out unnecessary items if possible 1 day before shoot

-          Keep aware of self & equipment in environment during the shoot


Location 2: Bamboo Forest

Location assessment

Purpose of the shoot

A picture of a bamboo forest to relate to the Monthly Monster article as the Jiangshi is a Chinese cryptid and bamboo forests are associated with China

Media language

A slightly out of focus canted angle to stimulate a sense of uneasiness in the viewer


-          Good natural lighting


-          Need to travel

-          May have a lot of people

-          Less control because a natural setting



Risk assessment

Potential hazards

Potentially harmful flora & fauna

Evaluate risks

May cause injury

Control measures & implementation timeframe

-          Familiarize myself with local flora & fauna to understand how I should act towards them a week before the shoot

-          Be careful and avoid touching things I am not familiar with in the shoot


Location 3: Ipo’s (Grandma’s sister) house

Location assessment

Purpose of the shoot

Take some shots of the model ‘ghost hunting’ which will relate to the content of my article

Media language

A candid shot to make the subject appear more natural which I will achieve by having the model play a game where she tries to look for things I have hidden. This way her body language and expressions will appear more natural


-          Not far from where I live

-          Good lighting


-          Requires permission from ipo

-          May disrupt the other people living there (ipo, cousins, etc.)


My house, friend’s house

Risk assessment

Potential hazards

Objects around the room

Evaluate risks

-          Injury

-          Equipment damage

Control measures & implementation timeframe

-          Remind myself and the model to beware of surroundings during the shoot

-          Be careful when handling my equipment during the shoot

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Double Page Spread Research + Development

  This part of my blog will detail my research and development for my double page spread Research Development