Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Here's my team's screenplay that I am working on with Regine

I've volunteered to work on the screenplay as I really enjoy writing. Although I have little experience in writing screenplays but I am familiar with how they work, I look forward to it regardless.

When we were first informed that we would be doing crime documentaries for our project, I immediately knew I wanted to do something inspired by the tylenol murders case. My team agreed and we tried to come up with some ideas together which I later developed in order to have a clearer picture of what we really want. The more developed ideas are as follows:

We then tried to roughly layout what we wanted for the opening:

To ensure accuracy, I followed this article as a guideline. I also referenced recording scripts from Wolf 359, an audio drama podcast I am listening to, as they seem to follow a similar format which helped me gain a better understanding of how it works in an actual production.

Our final result is this:

  • I'm glad we wrote a screenplay as it helped us put our ideas down and really understand what we want. That way, the team can ensure that we all know what we're doing and that we have the same vision for the final product
  • It also helped as I printed the scripts and gave them to the actors so that they were able to understand their role in the documentary therefore perform their role better
  • I am personally not written with the way the last scene was written. I'm not sure if I got the message out effectively through the dialogue
  • We should've started the screenplay earlier as we ended up finishing late which caused our storyboard artist, Beatrice, to rush her work to meet the filming deadline
  • I should've done more research on more screenplays as I feel like that would've helped me translate the story into a film better

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