Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Screen Test

 To find a star for or music video, we needed to conduct a screen test. This blog will detail our class's group audition that we did as a class

We decided to do this as it was effective and saved the time of needing to find willing participants and individually record a screen test. Unfortunately, none of the people here stook out to us and were quite what we were looking for but I still find doing this screen test valuable as we are now able to conclude that no one here fits the role of our star and can now focus on extending our research elsewhere.

Here are a list of advantages and disadvantages for having done our screen test in this way:


  • Quick -> saves time
  • Easy
  • Reduces workload
  • A lot of participants all at once
  • Less individualistic so participants are examined in less detail
  • Some people were uncomfortable
  • Some didn't know the song
  • Unprofessional: Not the way it's done in the industry so makes our pre-production process feel less professional
  • I think that ultimately this was helpful but I personally really didn't like doing the screen test this way. Not only because of the disadvantages listed above but also because I personally just wasn't comfortable with it. I wouldn't mind doing it like this again but, if we were too, I'd prefer it to just be people who want to volunteer
  • I was assigned to do the screen test for pre-production and doing it this way means that I have a lot less work to do which is an advantage as I can focus on other work but I want to contribute more to the team

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Screen Test: Audience Feedback

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